What Is "Small Ball"? Little Things That Add Up To BIG Results In Your World?

I'm lucky to get to meet incredible people every day and help tell their stories on Rounding the Bases. I may have written a book on small ball, but the lessons to be learned are endless. In celebration of Women's History Month, each podcast in March featured a remarkable female from around the country.

Read on for the little things that add up to big results in the world of some impressive women as we round the bases with a single, double, triple and home run.

Single: Time Pays Dividends

Anita Newton is a busy woman. As the Chief Innovation Officer of Community America Credit Union, that comes as no surprise. But despite her packed schedule, she has always chosen to show up and meaningfully connect with those most important to her.

"Taking that time has probably been the best thing that I've ever done," she said. Whether friends, family or co-workers, the dividends far outweigh the cost of simply taking time to care.

Double: Filling Your Cup

My guest Mindy Corporon imparted a great lesson on the value of prioritizing self in order to best serve others. It's easy to get so caught up in the now that our own needs fall by the wayside, so she has made small acts like journaling and focused breathing part of her everyday routine. These centering habits not only help her achieve clarity, but promote the self-trust she needs to conduct business with intention.

Triple: Where Life begins

There's a saying that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. For Raneem Alasmi, this proved true in more ways than one.

After fleeing her home in war-torn Syria, she found refuge - and unimaginable challenges - in the US. Instead of shying away from the newness of an unfamiliar country, she bravely chose to embrace it. In doing so, she learned, she grew, and most importantly, she built a life that allowed her to really begin living again.

Home Run: Art Imitates Life

UFC television analyst Laura "Fancy" Sanko believes the keys to success are things that actually have nothing to do with the job itself. It's greeting people with a smile, remembering their names, and treating everyone - from the cameraman to the CEO - with the same kindness and positivity. She has a front row ticket to what is oftentimes one of the most significant moments of someone's life. While we can't all be UFC commentators, we each play a role in someone else's story, consciously or not. Show them your best and you'll get their best in return.

These four little lessons deliver BIG results. What is small ball in your world?


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