Brian Gregory: Building Your Brand With Emotion

Making connections is one of the most critical elements of business success, and I'm not talking about the networking kind. Even though that is undoubtedly important to your success, if your product isn't emotionally connecting to your target audience, no quantity of coffee meetings or happy hours will keep your business afloat.

In my work, I've repeatedly seen the value of making connections. As a keynote speaker, it's what allows audiences from my sessions to leave feeling motivated and empowered. When hosting my podcast Rounding the Bases, connecting is the first step to the candid, authentic discussions that keep my audiences coming back week after week. And without the ability to connect with athletes and managers, my career as a sports broadcaster would have been a short one.

making connections

Whether you have a business or not, emotional connections are - arguably - the key to most success. But before you can sell your brand to the world, you have to know what attracts the world to you brand. So do you do it? By tapping into the power of emotive marketing. Not to sell, but to attract. And one recent guest on Rounding the Bases has unlocked the secret of how to do it.

His name is Brian Gregory, the CEO of Admanity and the mastermind of its namesake protocol. With the help of his innovative technology seven years in the making, Brian has distilled the branding process to its most potent form. And with a five minute investment, is giving the answers that every business owner wants.

SINGLE: Ambitions Redesigned

Growing up, Brian's life ambition was to be on a Wheaties box. It was his Plan A, B and C, so when injury forced him to reevaluate, happenstance found him in the magazine business selling print ads. He found that his small business clients were very good at buying ad space, but the same couldn't be said of their ad messaging and design.

He began to notice a costly pattern that lead to frustration all around. Clients would run an ad for a few months without results. When they inevitably pulled it, they missed out on sales opportunities and Brian missed out on ad revenue. He began making the ads himself. They were intentional, emotive and not only making connections with consumers...they were working.

And so he got to work on his biggest project yet. With the help of Admanity, now all small businesses can find the right-fit formula to help them achieve advertising success.

DOUBLE: Power of Emotions

Humans are complicated. But despite our many differences, we each have the same limited inventory of 15 emotional triggers. "They don't sell, they tell, and they are accurate 100% of the time," Brian told me. Emotions are what drive consumer behavior, so it should come as no surprise that when it comes to upselling, the feeling your brand evokes is the most important component."

It's easily the thing least taught in our society, in school, even in advertising courses and marketing courses," the Admanity founder said during our interview. But since everything is triggered by the same few emotions, it also makes sense that there are a finite number of formulas proven for success. Once you know what they are, you can duplicate them for your brand, leveling the playing field for small and billion dollar brands alike.

TRIPLE: The Boom

Being open to change is all that stands between brands wanting success and making connections it needs to achieve them. Without regard for logo, industry or market trends, Admanity helps small businesses achieve their own defining moments.

"All we care about," he told me, "is how we should tell a person to move the needle for their brand, emotionally." He went on to explain, "Because once we do that, people start reacting to the new strategy." Success is often instant, a boom that defines The Before from The After. And once it has been identified, there is no looking back.

HOME RUN: Biggest Is Not Best

For every juggernaut company around today there was a time when they were just a start up, unsure whether they would make it. Sales were hard to come by, competition was fierce and sometimes, bankruptcy loomed. Then came the pivot point that changed its entire existence.

For small businesses who are struggling, it can be easy to forget that the biggest brands are not always the best brands. They're just the ones that marketed their way to the top. And all it takes to start the ascent is one successful ad campaign. "You can compete," Brian said. "Just learn the formula. Do what they do. And then stand back."

Listen to the full interview here or tune in to Rounding the Bases every Monday and Thursday, available wherever you get your podcasts.

Learn More About Making Connections from Joel

Book Joel Goldberg for your next corporate event. He draws on over 25 years of experience as a sports broadcaster. In addition, he brings unique perspectives and lessons learned from some of the world's most successful organizations. Whatever your profession, Joel is the keynote speaker who can help your team achieve a championship state of mind.

Full Transcript

Joel Goldberg 0:19

Hey everybody, welcome into another episode of Rounding the Bases. I am Joel Goldberg and the podcast is presented by Community America Credit Union: Believe in Unbelievable. It's good to be back, I say it's good to be back. I mean, we've got two of these coming out every single week. But with all of my travels, it's the first chance to get back into my studio before I hit the road. Once again, I do want to thank my friends at Chief of Staff, Kansas City, they are a recruiting firm, but not just in Kansas City, all over the country, what they get more than anything is people. So whether you're looking to place someone, be placed, or just looking for some advice and a resource, they're so good and just taking care of people and helping out, I'm really proud to have a partnership with them. So check them out at My guest today comes from a recommendation of another recent guest his name was Paul Kirch, really interesting man that I had on here recently, and a phenomenal connector. And so once he and I met before I had him on the podcast, he said, I need to introduce you to this person, this person and this person. And one of those was my guest today. Before you can sell your brand to the world, you have to know what attracts the world to your brand. So how do you do it? By tapping into the power of emotive marketing not to sell, but to attract. There's one man who has unlocked the secrets of how to do it. And he's joining me today to expose them all. His name is Brian Gregory, the CEO of Admanity and mastermind of its namesake protocol. With the help of his innovative technology, seven years in the making, Brian has distilled the branding process to its most potent form. A five minute investment yields a priceless return: Agency caliber recommendations and the answers that every business wants. The next generation of marketing is here. And it's more powerful than ever before. I feel like I'm selling something. And of course, we can definitely do that. I've had the chance to check it out. And it was it was really remarkable. How just five minutes and I was like, wait a minute, how do you know so much about me? But that's the secret to the formula, I suppose. And I'm joined right now by Brian Gregory. Brian, how are you?

Brian Gregory 2:32

Hey, Joel, I'm great. I'm uh, I'm excited to be here. We're gonna have some fun today, we're going to really dig deep into what's deep inside of all of us.

Joel Goldberg 2:40

Well, I think that's right, because I think this applies to all of us if we're, if we have business or even not. I mean, right? I mean, we all, we all want to find that attraction, we all want to figure out the secret sauce, so to speak, and, and you have somehow, some way, figured out that formula to break it all down. So let's go back to the beginning, how did you? How did you get here? I know that's a loaded question. But you don't just wake up one day and say, I got it. Here's Admanity. It's there's a process. I know.

Brian Gregory 3:11

Yeah, you're absolutely right. Good point. It actually took seven years to create the algorithms that that you now enjoy, at Admanity. And so it's like, how did this all come to be? Because when you experience it, you realize a lot of thought has gone into this. And then maybe, if we can rewind the Wayback Machine, you know, 20 years ago, I was in the magazine business. And that meant I was selling ads. And that meant people were buying the ads, putting them in the magazine. And then they would run the ads for a while the ad would not perform very well. And they would cancel. And I would lose money. And I'm not happy when I'm losing money. So I was trying to help people get better ads, so that the ad would work, right? That because they didn't understand how to make a great ad, they just knew how to buy the space. And if you didn't help them, they would just put anything in there. And hope for the best. And so I started helping them and I realized it did work. I knew a little more than they did. And they had started to perform better. And then I wrote a book and I thought I'm just going to teach everybody but you find out real fast that not everybody reads books. And if you really want to help somebody, and everybody, you've got to get the secrets online, so everybody anywhere can get them instantly. And that's when we began to create the Admanity Protocol, a series of algorithms that will analyze any brand in five minutes and give them all the answers for how to market it to the world.

Joel Goldberg 4:42

It's fascinating and going back to the original point just eventually getting here. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes some time. So what was that process like for you? In creating the algorithm clearly you found a passion for this and that that stems from from those advertising days from from those selling days and understanding that you had to be different, understanding that that there was something else there that people were missing. So it's one thing to know, okay, I want to do this, it's another to actually come up with a clearly you have the mind you, I'm guessing you're a guy where you can correct me if I'm wrong push back by all means, but the stuffs flowing in the head, right? I mean, you know, how can I do this? How can I do this? You're a creator, it seems to me, how long did it take to come up with these algorithms? And are they constantly changing?

Brian Gregory 5:31

Great question. They don't change, the algorithms have remained the same. Or at ICC, the patterns that humans enjoy, seeing and experiencing, have not changed. And that's the good news. Because once you learn what the patterns are for your brand, you don't have to worry about the algorithm at Google or Facebook, changing it in ruins your day, that won't happen here. Basically, what we had to do, we had to start out and say, Okay, let's look at the most successful ads ever done, let's just start there, there's a bunch of ads that you can find that have outperformed all the others. And you must assume that those ads are the are the better ads, right. And those those companies literally owe their entire heritage to a pivot point where the ad changed. And you can see the hockey stick growth from that point on. So you got to know, it's probably the ad that did that. And you start looking at the ads. And what we found was there's patterns, the same emotions, on in these winning ads, if you look, and you dissect the ad, are being used on the public. So in other words, they're triggering certain emotions in the viewer or the reader over and over again, and the same pattern start to happen the same emotions. And we found there's 15 Emotions total, that literally compel everyone to buy things and, and to join things and click on the button and show up for the parking lot sale. Those action oriented buying sequences are triggered by 15, simple, barbaric, we call them primal emotions, they've been with us for 1000s of years, they will not change, the only thing that's going to change is technology. But if you're lucky enough that Facebook's algorithm lands you face to face with your perfect client someday, and you're staring them right in the face. What will you say? That's what the algorithms tell us, if this is what will make people buy your thing. And there's nothing more important to a business owner than that vital piece of information right there. Because if I know what sells my, my product, my service, all I have to do is get in front of more people and present that and I will become a winner. If you don't know that, you can literally search your entire business life, you can throw darts at a moving dartboard and never hit the bullseye. And if you do hit the bullseye, you won't know why you won. So we show you the path, before you waste the money on things that don't really work.Joel Goldberg 8:01You know, I look at the Admanity website,, It's in the show notes. And I see among the many different testimonials and the videos and the write ups. I see one with a picture of, of you on there, with the title Advertising With Emotion Works. And you know, as I was looking at that, I thought you can have the greatest product in the world. But if people aren't moved by it, and the emotions not there, it's not going to sell. Now, maybe the emotion comes because it is the greatest product in the world. But you still need to be able to let people know that right? I mean, you still have to, like, you know, I'm just thinking about this as we're talking. I can talk about baseball all day long. But if I don't connect with the emotion of the fans, you know, it kind of falls on deaf ears. And so I know that's a little bit different. But I think that there's a storytelling aspect to this. If you tell the story, right, if you hit the emotions, you can, you can can can connect with people, you can capture their imaginations. But maybe people don't know how to do it. Right. So I just wanted to ask you about that. And if I'm wrong at all there, let me know but is emotion The biggest key to this not not finding emotion? I mean, you've obviously got the algorithm, the tool and all that. But But where does emotion fall in terms of upselling?

Brian Gregory 9:33

Well, it's it's it's, it's easily the number one component. It's also easily the thing least taught in our society, in school, even in advertising oriented courses and marketing courses and you went to college for that. You've probably received very, very little education on emotional triggers that all humans are walking around with. We all have the same toolbox. We are human 1.0 and until 2.0 start stomping the Earth, these are the emotions that seemed to always work. So they become the most important thing because facts, no, they don't sell, they tell. And data. And, you know, boring me to why we're great points why our brand is the greatest thing ever type of selling is the least important thing to the consumer, the only thing they care about is how they feel, and literally feel about your brand. And that can only be triggered by an emotional trigger, we always train people that the emotion of your brand will be triggered by different emotions, leading people to the brand. So you may be surprised to find if, if you're an attraction brand. For example, a lot of the triggers that's a brand that training change and transformation does improves things, the triggers for that we don't just slap you in the face and say, hey, everybody changing do better. That's not what sells an attraction brand. There's other emotions involved. So everything leads to something, there are patterns that once you know them, you can duplicate. And you can market your small little business, no matter how small you think it is, you can use the exact same tactics, that billion dollar brands have paid millions of dollars for these simple formulas. And in fact, you should use the same formulas, you just spend a tiny fraction of what they're spending to promote them.

Joel Goldberg 11:32

It's fascinating, fascinating stuff. Just curious before, and I know that, that that I I spent the five minutes. We don't need to spend too much time dissecting me. But I do think that the process is fascinating. As I read it, I was like, Whoa, you know, I mean, it just kind of blew my mind, which I'm guessing you get a lot of that reaction. Oftentimes it whether it's, in my case, it was five minutes, and they were able to get all that so correctly. Or maybe it's extremely revealing to people and they never saw something there was a mix of that for for me too. But I was just curious about some of the reactions and the emotions that you get, after working with people when you when you maybe unlock some secrets that they never really thought of.

Brian Gregory 12:18

Yeah, it's a great question. In fact, what you said, is the most common comment we get, my mind is blown. Wow, how did you do this, that's the most common thing we hear. Because keep in mind, for those listening, you take a five minute online, true-false test about your business. So it's real simple. We don't get into Financials or anything like that, we don't even ask what industry you're in, the test is completely blind to the brand. And yet, in five minutes, we're able to tell you in great detail, what you are to the world, what will move your product better, some things you should do, maybe some things you shouldn't do, traits and characteristics that you had never considered. And the reason you've never considered him is because you've never been able to focus emotionally on your brand, you've spent way too much time doing the nuts and the bolts and the facts and the data and this and that and the stuff you got to promote and the you know the daily chores of the brand. We look at the brand from the inside facing out to the logo, okay, we don't care about the logo, we don't care about the label the industry, what you're in, we don't care about the trends, all we care about is how should we tell this person to move the needle for their brand emotionally, because once they do that, it's that fast that people start reacting to the new strategy. And that's all it is. And you can go all through history and find brands that have done that one small change on the dial of marketing, and boom, instant growth and success. And they never looked back. So yeah, it's really, really cool.

Joel Goldberg 13:50

It is. I was just I would just say that taking the test was extremely easy. You know, it's one thing when someone said just five minutes of your time. But then you're sitting there and you got to put in that. I know it's only five minutes. But I don't know if I understand this or all what's the answer to this. I mean, there was nothing ambiguous. It was very, it was very clear cut. So it was a very easy five minutes for me. And so I appreciated that. Because it's not always as you know. And then of course, I got it back. And that was where all the excitement began. So let's, let's go through what that report says. And I want it from your side your take on it. What did you see when when this test was run?

Brian Gregory 14:38

Well, we the test is very simple. What it's trying to do, there are 15 archetypes within humanity. As I mentioned earlier, 15 emotions, that rule on sales. Your brand will align most closely with only one of those. So we're trying to get from the 15 to the one. That's the job of the of the assessment is to eliminate the archetypes that aren't the best fit for you. Because within the winner, whichever one you end up with, there is a myriad of, of options. And you saw in your report, you have the quick report, I call it you know, it's wonderful. It's about five pages of really insightful commentary on your brand. But we actually have over 150 pages of insightful commentary on your brand, it's already been prepared. And so we can tell you strategies, tactics, formulas, words, colors, the upsells, everything, everything like an agency would do. But we do it in five minutes. And it's a mind blower, when you see if you think that what you saw was a mind blower, wait and see and see what else we can tell you about the brand. Now that part's not free. But we do let everybody get a free test. And we're gonna give some away today on the show for so if you're listening don't don't go away, we're gonna give you a really cool present. And with your, your report shows a tremendous degree of attraction. In other words, you try to make things better, you want the product that Joel Goldberg represents to improve, transform, and change for the better. Whatever it comes in contact with. That is the main emotional mission, so to speak. And, incidentally, you do it through a fascinating quality. And that's what the test showed me also is that it in other words, excitement, like we're doing today, this is a fun, entertaining, exciting show. And this is one of the ways in which you do convey your brand. And it came through very highly scoring in your in your report that you received. So we can we can point you into the year we get you in the right ballpark. Hey, I use the baseball analogy. We have to get you in the ballpark. That is your ballpark. And then we can do amazing things with your brand. And so that's what you did. And you did a great job, by the way.

Joel Goldberg 17:01

Well, thank you. I mean, it's it's just to me, it was fascinating to read it because I felt like I almost felt like I was reading. I was reading about myself through someone else's eyes, if that makes sense. Right? I mean, it was just, again, I mean, part of it was like, wait a minute, how do they know that from five minutes? And so the algorithms are, are so dead on. So I know that there's there's more I'm at, you know, it was I wouldn't say overwhelming. But I mean, it was pretty comprehensive. And essentially, what you're telling me is, that's just scratching the surface. That's just, that's just the the little teaser, so to speak, to get me in so I can't even imagine like what what what else comes in the report once once you buy in?

Brian Gregory 17:47

Well, the the mini report will like you say blow your mind and open your eyes to what you truly are to other people into the world, then the bigger report will tell you we call it a brand attraction report. And that shows you the how, how do I do it? I need formulas, I need advertising strategies. So I don't know how to I want to build an app, what do I put in it? What colors should be in this? What What photos should I be searching for? What words and phrases should be in this to trigger people to like me more? If I want to upsell a current customer? Is there a plan for that? The answer is absolutely. And every archetype is different. And what about winning back lost customers, we can show you how to do that. So the reports basically show you how to A. acquire customers B. upsell the customers C. win back lost customers and everything in between. And that's the rule of a good business, you got to get new customers up soon. And keep the ones in keeping the boat so to speak. That the brand that does that is way more successful than the brand that just keeps moving on, you know, putting more passengers in the boat with a big hole in it. And so we show you all of that in great detail. Inside, there's two other we have over 200 million stock photos. After you take the test that's available to you 200 million high res royalty free stock photos. We have AdmanityU which is more education. And after you take your test you get 100 teaching emails, each one teaching you a nugget that you probably did not learn in school. And we have an extremely high engagement rate on those emails. Because people love to learn the stuff that isn't all over the internet. The stuff that isn't just rehashed blog posts from everybody else this is all original stuff. So yeah, you get a lot it's it's, it's a hell of a value and I gotta say and people love it.

Joel Goldberg 19:44

The, uh, we'll give you the free offer when we wrap things up here, but again, I'll encourage everybody to check out, So that That gives it a little bit of an idea of of how this all works and how incredibly accurate it is to before we get to my baseball themed questions, I just want to ask you, this is an incredible company, and job and passion from what I can tell that you have. And I always love asking people the question of what they wanted to do, when they grew up, I'll get into a little bit later, your your athletic background, which is a really interesting one as well. But I don't know as a kid, you can dream up Admanity because the world wasn't the same then anyway, just as the same way a kid that's growing up right now probably can't dream up what's going to happen and 20 or 30 years from now, because the world, again will be will be different. You and I grew up in a time where we didn't have cell phones and all that good stuff. And now of course the kids are growing up and they don't have a world without them. And so the world changes but what what was your idea when you were growing up? Was it to go into the advertising world or something like that? Or what was it?

Brian Gregory 21:01

Actually not? It was probably the farthest thing from my mind was marketing, sales, advertising, money, specialty branding? Wouldn't if I had if you'd asked 20 year old Brian was branding, I wouldn't have had an answer for you. You know, I was going to college, as you pointed out on an athletic scholarship, and I was my goal was to be on a Wheaties box. That was it. That was the first second and third goal. There was no backup plan to this, it was a kamikaze mission. And that's what I was going to do. I was going to be a professional athlete for as long as I could, as long as I could do it. Injuries come along, things change. And you have to figure out if you have another skill. And I had not figured that out. Until one day, somebody approached me and said, I think you'd be really really great in sales. And I said, I don't think so I've never done that kind of scares me. They literally forced me to, to do it. And I was clumsy. There's, I was not the natural salesperson on go number one, you know, don't don't think that. But I enjoyed helping, it seemed to help people I was talking to they seem to like the outcome. So I kind of liked that I'd never had that before. And I literally fed off their enthusiasm for after having been sold. They were actually thanking me, no one ever thanked me before, for whatever I was doing in the world. And I enjoyed that. And that just motivated me to get better and better and better. And I found that within me. Yeah, I do have a knack for this. And I I can communicate fairly well. And it just one thing led to another. But I never dreamed to get into advertising, or this type of thing. I've done so many crazy things. It's just been a fun ride. Let's just say that.

Joel Goldberg 22:49

And a ride that is still going we often say right or wrong. Just getting started. But I know it certainly feels like that when you're when you're discovering all these new things. Let me get to the baseball theme questions in your career so far? What's the biggest home run that you pick?

Brian Gregory 23:08

Well, I you know, there's there's been a lot of high points and and some great victories and memories that I'll cherish forever and take them with me into the next chapter. But this uh, this program that we built here, the seven year process it took to build Admanity, I've never in my life spent seven years forming a company. I've been seven years doing things. But we, it took seven years to get to where we could catch the first check. It's a labor of passion. And so I have to say that what we've got can change the game for so many millions of businesses out there, that this is the home run, this is the one that will hopefully make make my life a dream come true for for myself and others. And so it's the most passionate and altruistic journey I've ever been on. And therefore it must be the best.

Joel Goldberg 24:04

Yeah, hey, if you could top that for using baseball terms, I started it by the way. Not everything needs to be baseball term. But if if we're talking homeruns then you know, maybe it's maybe it's a Grand Slam at some point that is still awaiting or more homeruns by the way, you can keep hitting homeruns but this has been a seven year homerun in the works and incredibly fulfilling when you are at something for seven years, or seven days or seven weeks. You're going to swing and miss sometimes. Maybe not. But I'm guessing so do you have a swing and a miss and something you learned from it?

Brian Gregory 24:40

Well, I've I've had a number of businesses over the years. I I had a business once and I won't say what the industry was but we had a product and it was ideal for drugstores. And I got it into the drugstore chain and I was all excited because it's kind of like a shark tank moment. All of a sudden my product, It's on the shelf. And they charged me a bunch of money to do that there's that's how you get on the shelf, you pay for it. Don't think you don't. And then it sold great. And the drug chain ordered this massive amount of product. And of course, I think I'm going to be rich now because I've got this, you know, big reorder. And it's, you know, clear sailing from here on out, they reordered I loaded up the store with the whole chain with product, and they declared bankruptcy. They did it on purpose, they loaded up the store with product, then they went bankrupt because they the laws allow you to sell off the inventory at whatever price in a protected fashion. So my product was a hostage on a shelf. It bankrupted my company. Because we couldn't get paid for the product. We got zero. The they paid off the bankers and other people first. That's the way it works. When a retailer does that. And so anyway, long story that was a big bust. Lost everything on that on that gamble. And the lesson I learned is do not put all your eggs into one client's basket. I did that I bet big and I got I got the lesson of my life for doing so.

Joel Goldberg 26:09

Well, it becomes a powerful lesson. And a worthwhile lesson. If you don't make that mistake again. Make it again over and over again. We know how that one goes. Okay, so that's that's obviously an impactful one. The final question in terms of small ball, or is about small ball, the little things that add up to the big results, it's not all about the homeruns it's the behind the scenes, it's those little things that oftentimes people don't see what a small ball to you, Brian,

Brian Gregory 26:37

Small ball to me is is is hearing the comments from the customers, you know, they come they go they they pass through your life as they as they become a new customer and an excited new user. And then maybe you don't hear from them for a while. But while they're in the limelight there, they say things to you, and hopefully good things, right. And I just cannot tell you how it cheers me to read some of the LinkedIn comments, or the Google reviews. These are things people just feel motivated and compelled to say I didn't ask for it. We're not saying Give us your testimony, we'll give you 10 bucks. This is real, heartfelt emotional feelings coming from somebody who's just excited about owning your product. And I can tell you that just it's like, it's like it's a rocket fuel for us, and we all get a kick out of it. It's the little comments. It's not the big client, we land or the the one that spends the most money or, you know, the biggest fish that has a reputation and we're all friends. It's not the fame part of this, it is really, when you know you've helped a little guy, a little person grow their brand into what their dream is, you'll never see the result, right, they'll probably never let us know how the end of the journey turns out, we'll just be part of it. But for a moment, we made a difference. And that is so cool. If you ever get a chance to do that in your own brand, you should do it every chance you get.

Joel Goldberg 28:05

That's amazing too. And that right there, I talked about a motion that should stir up everybody's emotion because everyone knows what it's like to be the little guy. If they don't, then they forgot. If they don't, and they got so big and they forgot Shame on them. We all should remember where we came from. We also remember where it started. And most of us not all most of us started as the little guy not many of us will forever be the little guy and that's okay. Because I think part of the spirit of that mentality if I'm understanding everything right is that this is also about the little guy that that you don't have to be the superstar here that you can be that that little engine and and have that success, like the big boys do, so to speak, in part because of what this tool is able to do. And you know, I want to I want you to comment a little bit on that before we wrap it up. Because sir, to me this This enables the smaller company to act like the Giants out there, right?

Brian Gregory 29:04

Yeah, it if you're listening to this, this podcast right now consider this. As as I give you this sort of an explanation here. The biggest brands are not the number one brands. Is Pizza Hut the best pizza in the world? Is McDonald's the best burger? is Jack Daniels truly the best whiskey you'll never drink? Right? Honest answer. Fine products, but not the best, right? There's somebody out there that's got a more high quality product with a higher quality product doesn't win. The best marketed product wins. It's good enough. The marketing's there, boom dynasty is born. And when you look back at all the big brands, and I'm telling you the billion dollar winners, The Apples, The Marlboros, right? The federal Express's and these companies that today are just unbelievable juggernauts. They own their turf, right? You wouldn't want to have to go up against them today. But when they started out, they were scrappy little underdogs teetering on bankruptcy, not enough money, products that weren't selling competitors that were kicking their butt all over the countryside, more money, pushing them around. And they were having a hard time, you'd be amazed how many billion dollar brands started out as barely alive. And now we just think of them as rich and famous. But back then they were looking for that pivot point, like, how do we get out of this mess? We're in the red ocean, we got to get into blue ocean, right? We're in the wrong swimming pool. And we're losing. And then they came out with an ad. And they didn't know it maybe at the time, how good it was going to be. But it changed their entire existence. And many of those brands, for example, Marlboro never changed the ad again, why would you change the homerun formula? And they don't, and they don't have to, they don't need to, they don't want to. And you can use the same formula. We know what the formulas are. They're easy to analyze. The problem is most small businesses don't think the big guy could, should they should they could possibly benefit from that. Oh, that's what the big brands, I couldn't do that. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. When a Coca Cola commercial comes on your TV at night, and right behind it as an ad for a local lawyer telling you if you've been injured in an accident, right? They're in the same field. They're on the, it's the little guys and the big guys are on the same TV screen and you can compete, just learn the formula, do what they do stand back, you'll you're gonna love the result.

Joel Goldberg 31:40

It's super cool stuff. And you're doing amazing things in, in that creation that you've made at And you teased us with a free offer. So let's let people know what that is.

Brian Gregory 31:56

Okay, I want everybody listening to this show to at least get the same experience. You know, Joel, that you had a chance to analyze their own brand, by their own hand, take five minutes of your life and find out something I guarantee you'll be glad you did. So all I want the people to do is write to us, just email us at That's it. Info@admanity just send it to us and say I was on your show. I was on Rounding the Bases, please give me a free Admanity test. And we will email that back to you. And you'll get a chance absolutely free. No strings attached. You don't have to buy a thing. And we'll show you what we can do. And if you want to get more engaged with us, you certainly can. It's absolutely free. For everybody listening to this show. I will keep that door open as long as this show remains on the air. That's going to be forever Joel. So we got some we got some people to analyze.

Joel Goldberg 32:54

Well, we do. And I will just say that having gone through the process myself, you guys have not tried to sell me anything. I've gotten emails with some information. If you're interested here it is. If not, that's fine. And so it's, it has not been to put it quite simply, it has not been annoying, because none of us like to be annoyed. And there's a lot of that going on in the world. So yeah, I would really recommend everybody just to check it out. It was incredibly revealing and fascinating to see that report come in I have four final questions for you that we're going to do over on YouTube. One of them may involve shot putting in discus, which will be a nice little hint to the athletic prowess that Brian alluded to a little bit briefly earlier in the podcast. But in terms of the audio portion, we're going to wrap things up, you can watch the video portion, just go to YouTube, it'll be in the show notes or search Rounding the Bases With Joel Goldberg. You can search Brian Gregory, and you will find that there with just some fun questions. But Brian, thanks so much for spending time on this really, really fascinating stuff to talk about all the the emotion involved, and the algorithm. Congratulations on this incredible product and tool.

Brian Gregory 34:18

Thanks, Joel. It was a, you did a great interview. I enjoyed every second of it. And I'll come back anytime you name the time we'll do it again.

Joel Goldberg 39:06

That sounds pretty good to me. Appreciate it. Thanks, Brian 


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