What's Your Purpose?

Everyone has their purpose, the reason they do what they do. What is yours?  I’ll be the first to admit it can be a tough thing to articulate. On one hand, it's entirely dependent on personal experience and in a constant state of evolution. On the other, it's the steady constant each of us needs to accomplish what we do each day. The contrast of purpose is one of the reasons it's such a fascinating topic to me as a keynote speaker.  

For those who are lucky enough to make a living doing something they’re genuinely passionate about, answering the question of purpose is easier. I’m fortunate to be able to say that based on personal experience.  If you’re reading this, you probably know that—at least superficially—I get paid to talk about baseball, both as a sports broadcaster and keynote speaker. It’s fantastic, but why do I do it? Because this very specific form of entertainment that I provide makes people's lives better. From the die-hard fans who don’t miss a game to our troops stationed overseas and grasping at every familiarity of home, some people live for baseball and what I do adds to their game experience.  

May featured a diverse lineup of guests on Rounding the Bases. Each of them has a purpose as unique as the industry they have built their career in. Keep reading for this month’s single, double, triple and home run as we Round the Bases and take a closer look at how purpose creates positive impact.  

SINGLE: Looking Local 

Heath Wessling has done business around the world, but when it comes to defining his purpose, he looks local. He is a strong believer that by strengthening the ties within our immediate communities, we are playing a role in creating a more sustainable, resilient world.  We've been rocked by three catastrophic events in two decades that have resulted in global economic fallout. Heath’s purpose is to help people make the transition to local microeconomies, and by founding the Kansas City Wellness Club, he took the first step towards doing just that.  

“We live locally so much that we don’t even realize it,” Heath said. “Those few parts that we do engage globally, unfortunately, are the ones that end up hurting us.”  To insulate ourselves against adversity, building and utilizing local is the way to go. 

DOUBLE: Connecting the Dots  

When it comes to relationships, Lucas McCann is a master of facilitating them. But what is the purpose of it? To create win-win growth opportunities.  Lucas operates in a world of Associations. His objectives are to help member organizations engage existing members and also attract new ones. To do that, his company brings together Associations and suppliers, creating positive relationships that save time, increase value and support membership retention. 

“We’re connecting members…the association wins, everyone wins, and in my professional life, that’s my purpose,” Lucas said.  Between his two companies - CoreAffinity and Big Red M - Lucas has twice as many opportunities to help organizations gain access to something they otherwise would not have. Each connection made is another chance to help businesses grow, which when done repeatedly, value—and growth—become unstoppable.  

TRIPLE: Better Than Before   

Brandon Calloway grew up on the East side of Kansas City, and recalls that his family rarely had access to lights, gas or water all at the same time. Even in his youth he understood how beneficial it would have been to regularly have basic utilities.  Now that he’s a successful entrepreneur with the skills and connections to be a force for real change, Brandon has made it his sole purpose to leave inner Kansas City better than it was.  

“I was one of those people who felt like I was alone in the inner city,” he said. “If I can change that for somebody else, then I’m good.”  His work at G.I.F.T. has put him in the unique position. He's able to provide valuable business resources as well as life-infusing grants to local, black-owned businesses. For the disadvantaged entrepreneurs Brandon has set out to support, his program doesn’t just give them what they need to get their business off the ground. It's a daily reminder—in a not so little way—that they’re not alone on their journey.  

HOME RUN: Recipe for Success  

My guest Ashley Bare is first and foremost a chef, but her work is about so much more than the great meals her company—Hemma Hemma KC—provides. Her recipe is one part nourishment and two parts connection, mixed thoroughly and plated up with a focus on people. This is what she calls her ultimate purpose.  

She notes, “I think people should be a focus of your business, of life. It’s [about] concentrating on the employees, the people that you serve.”  Ashley sees the world of culinary art through a lens that has been influenced by her entrepreneurship just as much as it has been as an employee. Still, the common denominator has always been others. Making herself accessible to clients is a pillar of her business model.  

By providing them with a direct line of communication to her via her personal cell phone number, she’s available real time. She can answer questions and ensure their meal is a positive, stress-free experience. For her employees, work life balance is paramount, which she models through top-down company culture that promotes time off for all of the important moments that elevate people from being alive to really living.  


My guests in may teach a valuable lesson. They represent many professions, but in some way, each of us is committed to doing more good. I challenge you to think about your own reasons for doing what you do. Our backgrounds may be different, but we may all be more similar than you think.  

Book Your Next Keynote Speaker

For a keynote speaker who can help you find your own purpose, book Joel Goldberg for your next corporate event. He draws on over 25 years experience as a sports broadcaster. He also brings unique perspectives and lessons learned from some of the world’s most successful sports organizations. Whatever your profession, Joel is the keynote speaker who will help your team achieve a championship state of mind. 


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