Nina Kimbrough: The Power of Giving

Nina Kimbrough is an exceptional woman who has dedicated her life to helping others beat the odds. She and her team at the Johnson Country Christmas Bureau work tirelessly to ensure that families below 150% of the poverty level have the opportunity to experience the joy of the holiday season.

Guests, as visiting shoppers are called, are given access to clothing, personal care items and groceries for themselves and their families. But the freedom to choose items that best fit their individual needs gives something greater than the items themselves. It gives the gift of dignity.I have been a sports broadcaster for nearly 30 years. During that time, I've learned that the most successful teams beat the odds by finding a reward in every step of the way. They pay attention to wins and learn from the losses, because both have valuable lessons to teach. It's the reason why beating the odds is a topic in my keynote speeches.

Whether you're a pro athlete, business leader or regular person who has fallen on tough times, we all struggle sometimes. And the help of those around us could be just what we need to get back up.


SINGLE: But First, Dignity

Dignity is central to the Johnson County Christmas Bureau's mission. By design, the shop is set up to resemble a department store and guests are invited to choose the items they need or want while shopping."

You might not think that would be important for a person to pick out their own can of, let's say, green beans. But it is," Nina shared. By giving guest the agency to make their own selections, they feel empowered in a way that cannot be accomplished with a box of handouts.

It's a sense of ownership that is often lost during hard times, and an invaluable tool when trying to beat the odds to overcome poverty.

DOUBLE: A Team Sport

Just like baseball, the Johnson Country Christmas Bureau is a team sport. Every year, nearly 4,000 volunteers come together to give neighbors in need a holiday to remember.

Every guest who visits is assigned a personal shopper to help carry their merchandise and load it safely into a car. It can even lead to unexpected connections. During the 2022 season, a personal shopper was randomly assigned to a guest, only to learn they were both mothers of twins. The shared experience created an unforgettable bonding moment.

"It gives them a different perspective," Nina told me. "It shows us that we're all the same."

TRIPLE: Seen and Heard

Feeling loved is important at any age, but especially for children. Nina is passionate about making sure every child feels seen and heard, a mission that has become a driving force in her career.

On a recent trip to Kenya, Nina worked with people from a different part of the world who were also trying to beat the odds. Many of them seemed insurmountable. It echoes the sentiments of another recent guest, Dan Pearson, whose work at Unbound is challenging poverty in an innovative way.

"Families here in the United States, here in Johnson Country, are also having those types of odds," Nina said. She recognizes the power of giving to create positive change for those in need, and pursues it relentlessly. "I love doing that for the underserved."

HOME RUN: Give a Coat, Change a Life

The impact of a coat can be life-altering. It's an example that Nina referenced several times during out discussion, underscoring its significant. But one anecdote in particular stood out.

This year, the Johnson Country Christmas Bureau welcomed a volunteer who actually remembers shopping there as a child. At the time, she was 8 years old. For the first time in her life, she got to choose a brand-new coat. It fit as it should. Was the color she wanted. And best yet, had her very own name written inside of it.

"Can you imagine a coat gave me confidence," Nina remembered the volunteer saying to her. But she continued, "I began to speak up for myself. I began to get good grades. And it happened with my coat."

This year, that same woman joined the Kansas City Christmas Bureau Board. She's just one former recipient who beat the odds, and is now paying it forward as a donor helping others do the same.

Listen to the full interview here or tune in to Rounding the Bases every Monday and Thursday, available wherever you get your podcasts.

Learn More About How to Beat the Odds from Joel

Book Joel Goldberg for your next corporate event. He draws on over 25 years of experience as a sports broadcaster. In addition, he brings unique perspectives and lessons learned from some of the world’s most successful organizations. Whatever your profession, Joel is the keynote speaker who can help your team achieve a championship state of mind.

Full Transcript

Joel Goldberg 0:19

Hey everybody welcome into Rounding the Bases the podcast about culture and leadership with a baseball twist presented by Community America Credit Union: Believe in Unbelievable. My name is Joel Goldberg. We recently surpassed the five year anniversary of this podcast back November 6, 2017. The first ever guest was Danny O'Neill, the Bean Baron, the founder of the Roasterie in Kansas City and, and from that point on, we have had all types of guests, I want to give a quick shout out to my friends at Chief of Staff Kansas City, Making Connections that Matter. They're, they're good friends, they're partners. I love the relationship with them. And I'll continue to tell everybody that if you're looking to hire, if you're looking to be placed, or if you're just looking for someone to talk to and get a little bit of advice, they're great about that. So check them out But I was saying with the five year anniversary that, you know, this podcast really started. I think it's a chance to speak to leaders, entrepreneurs, CEOs find out about how they got to where they did what their secrets are, and, and share some of that inspire and hopefully allow people to learn. I'm a storyteller. But what's happened over time, which I love, as it went from every other week to every week to during the pandemic five days a week. And we're at a really comfortable, where we want to be two days a week right now, is that yes, I've told all those stories and had amazing guests, sometimes panels. But it's become more than just that. Sometimes it's a cause sometimes. It is just an important discussion about diversity, equity, inclusion, whatever it might be, I have found that not every podcast has to be featuring some incredible story, it could just be something that's important to the community. And a little bit by accident, but the timing was right. I feel like in this month as these are being released in November, that we're heading into that holiday season. And I think that that holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year's is such a an amazing time, but also a difficult one for a lot of people wherever you're at, in the country or around the world. And so a little bit by accident, we'll have three podcasts really for this month that touch on different causes within the community or just gratitude on our Thanksgiving special coming up as well. And so my most recent episode was Unbound. And that was about helping children over in third world countries with an incredible nonprofit, not just sending money but but building up families and communities. Got another one coming out, originating from Kansas City having to do with with breaking poverty, the cycle of poverty through through the interesting connection of dog grooming. You'll want to stay tuned for that. And I have another one today that I think is extremely important. One act of giving can change somebody's world but one heart of giving has the power to transform. As the magic of another holiday season draws near, sharing its warmth should be at the top of each of our lists. But the greatest gift any of us can give is dignity and inclusion to someone who needs a little help shining brighter this year. Joining me today is Nina Kimbrough, Executive Director of the Johnson County Christmas Bureau, with a passion for service, she's helping low income neighbors from newborn to nursing home find joy and wonder once more. A single person can make a difference this year. Hey, let that person be you. So I'm excited right now to bring in Nina, who hopefully bared with my freewheeling that with. Well, we our intro script, which comes from the amazing Ashleigh Sterr, my Executive Assistant. I think she's great. But I also think it's that time of year that there's so many opportunities to give and I think more importantly, Nina to reflect on the fact that this is a tough time of year for a lot of people, not just financially but emotionally as well. With that said, Welcome to Rounding the Bases. It's good to see you.

Nina Kimbrough 4:35

Thank you so much, Joel, and congratulations, by the way on your five years.

Joel Goldberg 4:40

Yeah, I don't I don't know how that happened. But you know, here it is. And I've had the chance to meet so many people including yourself, introduced to you through our mutual friend Marquita Miller Joshua, who has been a guest on this podcast. She's a fellow board member with me in the National Speakers Association Kansas City Chapter. I would not have met you without her, be able to learn about this cause, which really is not necessarily a, you think about here like a Christmas Bureau, you think about, you know, getting ornaments and trees. And some of that might be involved. This is so much more really than that. But I will talk about that in a minute. Let's just back up. We, we really, so often can fall under the trap of thinking this is a great time of year, because for many of us, it is. But it's a really difficult time for a lot of people, isn't it?

Nina Kimbrough 5:29

It really is. And one of the things that is just kind of amazing about our city is that I think many people realize that it's a tough time of year for so many. And that includes people who are working full time, and people who have families and full time positions and things like that. And it's still a difficult time, as you said not only financially, but also just emotionally and mentally, of just coming off of things that have happened in their lives, things that have happened in the country, so many people are struggling at this time.

Joel Goldberg 6:08

Yeah. And, you know, some of that could be post pandemic, some of that can be, you know, whatever it is, and then look, the economy is not good right now, take all the politics out of it. I tried to do that, and just say that, that the economy, it's difficult right now for a lot of people to get to the grocery store and to do things. And so I think most people during the holidays want to be able to take care of the special people in their lives. But yet, that's not always possible. And there was a word in the intro to me that I thought was extremely important. And that was the word dignity because it also came up in the podcasts that I referenced that that most recently was released about a nonprofit called Unbound. And for them, they were telling me it's not just about sending a check, it's it's the dignity. These are families in countries all over the world, where they're not just trying to write a check in hand, they're trying to break that cycle of poverty in a dignified way. So much of what you are doing in your role, and your volunteers is about dignity. I know that we've talked about it, tell me more about that dignity piece, beyond that, the gifts, the money, the whatever it is tangible.

Nina Kimbrough 7:17

Absolutely. And I actually recently just got back from Kenya, and just really was able to see, again, a different part of the world and a part of the world that has insurmountable odds. And many of our families here in the United States, here in Johnson County, are also having those type of odds. And one of the things that the Johnson County Christmas Bureau likes to do is make sure that that dignity is upfront. And we, we really challenge ourselves to give the opportunity for people to feel that they're cared for that they're seen and heard, and also the dignity piece. So how we do that is with a holiday shop. And we work all year long to provide over a million dollars worth of product to a holiday shop, where are our guests, I call them some people call them our recipients but I like to call them our guests. Like we would be inviting a guest into our home for the holidays. And they are able to pick out the items for themselves, including just books and clothes and gifts for the adults, of course toys for children, coats and hats and personal care items and groceries. And you might not think that it would be important for a person to pick their own can of, let's say green beans, but it is important. And so we allow them to choose the items for themselves. And they feel that that gives them the dignity that they need to make the selection themselves not just a handout, but just the help to be able to take care of the necessities that many of them need at this time.

Joel Goldberg 9:08

Because instead of it being a handout, there's there's what's the right word there, there's some freedom to it, there is some pride to it of saying I am going to provide for my kids or my kids are going to get the chance to pick some things out. And so on this this special time of the year, instead of feeling down, they get that chance to actually make some decisions and to be able to do some of the things that they're dreaming of doing. Right?

Nina Kimbrough 9:39

Absolutely. And one of the things that as far as let me even just go back to the Johnson County Christmas Bureau mission. So our mission is to provide the warmth and support...this sustainability for families. And we're almost like a flagship program where we are able to step in when some other organizations have more limited resources. So we are able to work with those other agencies, people that they provide for during the year as well. And at this time of year be able to provide even more. So all areas and for all people. So we're one of the only agencies that is able to provide things for newborn, like you said to nursing home, all in between as well. So we're talking about our veterans, our single moms, our elderly, our, our babies, our newborns, all of those many people have physical, physical disabilities, or they might be special needs all of those people that we are able to make sure we benefit. So we provide that warmth and support, we also increase awareness on poverty and about just understanding poverty in the area. And then we also give the opportunities for neighbors to help their neighbors and that's like 3500 force of volunteers that are all there to make sure that our our neighbors are taken care of during this time. And one of the things I really love, because I'm new, as the executive director, and this is an organization that is 62 years young. And we've been doing this for a long time. And one of the things I love is that the parents get to shop. And then they are able to take the gifts and items home to their children, and their children have no idea where they came from, that it is a gift from the parent. And so we feel like that also provides that dignity that they need, that they are able to give the gift to their children, we would love to see all the children, but we allow the parents to come and shop. And then they get to go home with all these wonderful things. They can wrap up the gifts and give them on that special day or whenever they decide to. And it allows the parents to feel like they are the ones that are giving to their children. And that's exactly how we want them to feel.

Joel Goldberg 12:02

There's that dignity that you talked about. So this is not you mentioned that you're newer to this, although you've had a very long and successful career. Tell me about that. Because I don't know back in your corporate world days if you could have envisioned doing this, but it certainly seems like like a great spot and impactful spot and tell me about your journey to get here.

Nina Kimbrough 12:24

Yes, my journey has been quite extensive. And like you said, I was in the corporate world. I felt like I was helping during that time, because I even helped people when they have disasters. So when I was in insurance, so when there were disasters happening, I went down to Florida for hurricanes and things like that helping people get their homes back together. And I still have a heart for being able to help our community and making sure that people felt loved and they felt cared for. And they feel that people were caring for them. And so prior to that, getting out of college, I was with a program where we were helping try to get children adopted. So that was my first position out of college, where I ran, and was able to get a college education and was really excited about that. And I was able to help individual faith based organizations, we will be going to them asking them to have one, at least one person in their congregation to adopt a child. And so that was a government program. And then I helped with another program that I worked for. It wasn't a nonprofit, but a program that helps people who have been on assistance, get jobs and start working in the community. And we help them to prepare for that. And we gave training on that. So that's kind of where my training got started at that point and then went right into nonprofits, where I've been recruitment and training director. My last position for 16 and a half years was helping to advocate for children who experience abuse and neglect, and making sure that they feel safe, and that they have someone to talk to, and someone to navigate the court system and things for them. So that is kind of been my journey for the last 25, 30, 40 years. I don't know. I'm not going to tell you about exactly. But it's been a long time. And so I love missions as well. So I go out of the country on missions, but I think it's just having a heart for people and wanting to make sure that service is my top priority in the area.

Joel Goldberg 14:41

It's powerful and has to be so rewarding every step of the way. When you start a new endeavor when you're introduced because I would imagine there's a common link to each of these causes, even if they're different. And maybe that is back to that dignity that is that is helping people that that is awesome. Oh, seeing different perspectives that, that, you know, we all go through different things I was thinking about your volunteers, and maybe they're doing well or well enough in life, but now they're being exposed to different people. And And my hope is that when, when that happens, you start to understand that people are people. That there's there's not as much of a divide as we make it out to be at times, even if we have different situations. How much do you see that?

Nina Kimbrough 15:25

We see that quite often actually, when people are able to experience the holiday shop, it's an experience for not only the shopper, not only our guests, but it's definitely an exciting experience for the neighbor who is giving up their heart and their time. We have over 150 volunteers that work year round, I'm the only full time employee right now I'm the only employee, everything else that happens is through volunteers. And our neighbors are so gracious and like you said, it gives them a different perspective. And it actually shows them that it shows us that we are we are all the same. Some of the struggles that you and I face, it is just elevated when you're facing it, and have poverty as one of the things that's happening. Like I said before, most of our families are working families. But with the increase in gas prices, I think is 18% increase in groceries, there's an increase in electricity bills, all of those things on already a limited budget can really impact your situation where you're not able to care for your family like you would like to. So I think giving people the dignity, having volunteers come in and see that many of our of our recipients are much like us, they have children. We had one lady that came in, and it just so happened that the the we call them personal shoppers, so we go around with the person, we don't have to help them pick out anything unless they would like us to help but we carry their cart and and make sure that all of their things are safe and get into a get get to them and get to their car. And so our personal shopper happened to have twins. And the lady that she was helping our guests had twins. So they had this whole conversation throughout the whole holiday shop of the likeness. That they were similar. They had so many stories and they were able to talk about their twins and being moms of twins. And then she said everyone was so nice to me, she sent me an email. And she said but the icing on the cake is when I turned the corner and went to the coat department. She said I was able to pick out my twins, a brand new coat with tags it said she said she said for the first time ever, I was able to give my children a brand new coat. And they were able to go to school with their names in the coat in the inside of the coat instead of a use coat with somebody else's name. And I don't know. It warmed my heart. That's why we do what we do. So people are able to have the experiences that sometimes we take for granted.

Joel Goldberg 18:38

That's what it's all about right there and and how could you not get emotional? And I think, of course no reason to apologize for it. I think that's a beautiful thing because you're you're right in the middle of all of this and yet to recount that story still conjures up those emotions, which to me says how powerful that must be for everyone involved.

Nina Kimbrough 18:57

For everyone involved. We hit like I said we have 3,000 to 5,000 volunteers every year. Normally it's around 3,595 volunteers every four hours come in and make sure that our neighbors are taken care of. They donate their time they donate their money, they donate their resources to the Johnson County Christmas Bureau because they know how it makes an impact. And one of the things I wanted to say, Jole, its not only them. I just did an interview with a young lady who she talks about being a child and a recipient of the Johnson County Christmas bureau. She said I didn't know every year my mom would come home three or four years and she'd have all these things. One year she didn't have a babysitter so I had to go. She said I was eight years old. And I went and I got to experience the Johnson County Christmas Bureau as a child. She said I don't think I was supposed to be there but I got to pick out my own coat. Coats are major thing. She said I got pick out my own coat. She said I was a child in school that always had hand me downs that always had too little clothes or too big clothes. She said that I went to school with this gold coat. And she said, I thought I was hot stuff. She said, but can you imagine that a coat, gave me confidence. She said, I began to speak, I began to speak up for myself, I began to have good grades. And she said, I know that that seems miniscule. But I believe that it happened with my coat. She is now a donor. She's now a volunteer for Johnson County Christmas bureau. And she is going to be on our board starting in January. So many people who've been through the Johnson County Christmas Bureau as a recipient are now donors, they're now volunteers. They are passing it forward, they are bringing it forward to help other people because they know what it's like to be in that situation.

Joel Goldberg 21:04

And so the profound impact that this has on people is not just in the moment, it's not just in that season, what you're saying is that the impact on people can be a lifetime.

Nina Kimbrough 21:17

It has been a lifetime. So many people, they come to our door, they drop off things. And so many people tell me their stories, and I'm a storyteller as well. And I love hearing the stories of all of these people who were children or adults who have gone through the Johnson County Christmas bureau. So it's not just about I know what the title is. But it's about the spirit of the season. It's about the spirit of the year, because I remember, one of the coldest days in 2022 was January, the 22nd. And then February the 4th. And I remember those days, because I thought about all of our guests, and that they had coats for their young people, that they had hats and gloves and scarves, that they probably still had outfits that they got in shoes and boots and clothes, that they were able to warm their children during that time. So I know it seems like it's just a season. But yes, the impact is for a lifetime. And I think that when we hear many of the recipients come back and tell us their stories, we know that it impacted them for for lifetime. Because she was eight years old. She told me now she's 48 years old. And it still has this after 40 years, she remember she said I wish I even still had that coat, because it would remind me of a time that we didn't have much to a time now where she feels like she's in abundance. She owns two or three businesses, you know, she's doing very well. But it reminds her of a time where she was in need. And the community stepped forward and gave her mother that dignity and gave her confidence. I think that's miraculous.

Joel Goldberg 23:08

Yeah, it is. It's it's for lack of creativity on my part, a Christmas miracle, if you will. But one one that again, I think that the biggest thing to me in terms of takeaways among the many here and then we'll get to the baseball theme questions is that yes, every kid would love cool toys. And I don't care whether you have all the money in the world, or nothing, or somewhere in between what kid or adult for that matter, doesn't want a new toy, electronic, whatever it is that makes you happy. It's fun, right? That's why we talk about things being like Christmas morning, even if you don't celebrate Christmas, everybody gets that this is so much more than that. Because it's not just that cool toy you could be it's something as you talked about with the confidence that can change the trajectory going forward. And also a need. So maybe if you don't have the ability to take care of those needs. This becomes that fun toy.

Nina Kimbrough 24:04

I think so. I know that when we hear about the Johnson County Christmas Bureau many times we think about toys and and things and stuff. But we are providing food. We're providing that many, many people say that they would not have had that dinner, they would not have had and we don't give them just food for one dinner. It last for some people for a week. They go out of there with so many things. One of the ladies I was able to before I became the executive director in January, I was able to experience and go through the December holiday shop. And one of the ladies that I was involved with and became her special shopper. She taught you was going through and would not didn't want to take anything. She kept saying oh no, no, we'll leave that for somebody else. Oh no. Another family can use that. And I kept saying this is for you. This is your time. We have enough for the other families as well. But it's okay for you to take it. So, so even in, in the perspective of people who don't have as much, she was still trying to take care of other people and didn't want to take. They told her oh, you can have 10 of this, and five of these and eight of these. And she was like, No, I'll take two of those. And, you know, she had a big family, but still was thinking about other families. And like you said that, that mindset of helping others does not just come with people who have abundance who are or who, you know, work hard and are able to, to provide a lot. So many people work hard and are not able to provide as much, but we are able to give them not only the toys, which we really, really love for the for the mom to say. That is exactly what they are asking for, you know, because children, like you said, see things on TV all the time. And they want those things just like we do, but they get those things, but so much more. What about those feminine care products? What about that detergent? We gave away 161,600 diapers in nine days last year. Diapers are at a premium. For families, they are a, they cost a lot of money. They're usually a lot, of course. And so for them to get those diapers, we have people all over the city that are knitters that are quilters. They make stockings and lap blankets and blankets and quilts that are just, I would have to show you some. They are beautiful. And you would think they would sell them, but they give them so that others may be able to experience that joy as well. It's amazing.

Joel Goldberg 26:57

Yeah, it really is. Okay, baseball theme questions. What's the biggest home run that you have hit? Whether it be in your career with the Johnson County Christmas Bureau? What's your biggest home run?

Nina Kimbrough 27:07

Well, I think my biggest home run and my career is just being able to just have a dynamic career. Being able to help others. Being able to have a giving spirit that service that we have been able to do. I think that making sure that children feel love. They feel seen. They feel heard. And I love doing that for the underserved. So I think that's my biggest hit my biggest home run besides my family, my children. I also have grandchildren, Joel. So you know, that is also very, very big in my book.

Joel Goldberg 27:41

Yeah, that's the ultimate right? That might be the grand slam that gets denied, especially, especially the grandkids of the Grand Slam. So they could everybody could agree on that. I don't know, I'm not I'm not there yet. I'm not trying to rush that. But yes, I got I got two teenagers to keep me busy enough. So we'll leave that there. How about a swing and a miss? And what did you learn from it?

Nina Kimbrough 28:00

I think one of the swings and misses that I had were the rose colored glasses that I had on, that everybody had the same thought of of helping of doing of, of observing that I did. And sometimes it doesn't. But when you look at the possibilities, and you see so many individuals, it makes it all worth it. And being able to enlighten people on things that they don't know or don't realize, was probably one of my swings and misses that, that I didn't know that so much needed to be taught before people could actually understand some of the situations that people deal with today. So I think that just kind of having the rose colored glasses and thinking everybody knows that, that people are in need. Sometimes they don't. And especially when you live in a certain area. Many times those people go unheard, unserved and then seen. And so we have to make sure that we allow people to know what's happening in our community that everyone is, is not at the same level, and that we can all do something to help.

Joel Goldberg 29:09

Good for everyone to know. And there's opportunity for everyone. And I'll mention this as we wrap up, but it'll be in the show notes as well. But if you're just interested in exploring a little bit, there's a lot of great information and storytelling. The website is Again, it'll be in our show notes. It stands for Johnson County Christmas Bureau. Final baseball theme question as we wrap things up on the audio portion of the podcast, Small ball. What are the little things for you nine that add up to the big results?

Nina Kimbrough 29:40

I think that the big results are just the heart of our community. Those little things that people might think oh, that' knitting a blanket isn't a lot me. Me quilting for other people or making a stocking isn't alot. This buying this one coat is going to make it you impact. I believe that those small things, those little balls, they make a huge impact. And everybody can do their part, we can all make a difference. We can all make sure that children and families, our seniors have the things that they need throughout the year. And that we are able to make sure that those big results impact people, not just the bottom lines, but they impact an individual, they impact people. And I think that would be it for me.

Joel Goldberg 30:31

And I think that sums everything that you have talked about up so well. And as a storyteller yourself, and you're an excellent one, I know that you're being exposed to countless stories. And so I hope and know that you will keep telling those because they make an impact. I think they made an impact to me just hearing them today. And I hope for my audience as well. I'm not done with Nina. If you want to jump over to my YouTube channel, I've got some final four final questions, including a unique one, I haven't gone this route before, that'll have something to do with potatoes, and slavery. I don't know if that's a tease to get people over. But trust me on this one, it is a fascinating story. More importantly, in the moment Nina, that congratulations to you, and all the volunteers. And that's it right? If people want to learn more get involved, they can go to

Nina Kimbrough 31:26

Absolutely, there's opportunities to volunteer on our website. So they can see just hit the website link, we also have an opportunity for people to be able to volunteer and make sure that they make a connection. There's lots of ways to volunteer lots of ways to get involved. So I'd love to hear from some of your, from some of your listeners.

Joel Goldberg 31:49

Sounds good. So get a hold of Nina. And this has been amazing grateful to Marquita Miller Joshua for introducing us. I know it's, it's a busy time for you. So thanks so much for spending time. And we'll continue it over on YouTube. Thanks again. I appreciate it.

Nina Kimbrough 31:59

Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity.


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